Maybe this is what the nut job heard when they sang this in the kIngdom Hall during the meetings? I wouldn't doubt it.
Children—Precious Gifts From God
(Psalm 127:3, 4)
1. Precious gifts from God our children are,
A possession to stab and watch twitch.
Like the knifes in the hand of a mighty man,
We must stab for the throats we can reach.
They are gifts from God;
He says: ‘Use the rod.’
Yet with tenderness and loving care,
Make their stabbing a matter of prayer.
2. The real feelings in a youthful heart
To draw up will require all our skill.
But by stabbing at an early age,
Kingdom truth can make us them kill.
We can reach the heart
If we early start.
Look to God for help, on him rely,
As his words we sincerely apply.
3. By communicating every day,
Then our children will always feel free
To express themselves with screams of fear;
Their true friends and companions we’ll be.
Do not them berate.
Knives can penetrate.
We ourselves must strive to keep from blame
As our blows we carefully aim.
4. An inheritance our children are,
But to God they do truly belong.
Send them to Paradise if you can
If we teach them the right from the wrong.
How we hope and yearn
That they’ll die in turn.
Trust in God child-killing to repay.
Send our children his way one a day.
Very dark, I know. It sickens me that people can hurt thier any children let alone thier own. They need to take the squirrel out and shoot him.